Top 7 Simple Steps to Promote Your Music Video on YouTube


Seven Simple Steps to Make A Music Video Go Viral

Creating a music video is just one part of it. You need people to watch it – and to do that, you need to do more than just creating relevant content. 
This ultimate guide to a successful viral music video will help you know just what you need to succeed. From tips to video marketing to marketing benefits and several helpful video marketing sites – we’ve got you covered!

Keep reading till the end to find a bonus promotion step.

In case you’re wondering why you need to go through all this trouble even though you know your video could be a hit without it, here’s the answer to all your questions!

No matter how hit your video could be without any promotional help, if you follow the steps provided below, you are winning yourself bonus benefits!

The Seven-Step Formula To Promote Your Music Video

Let’s take a look at what you can do to make your music video be more popular.

1.    Professional production

First, do not forget to get your videos professionally made. Good content only goes viral when the audience can somehow relate to it. A high-quality video makes that connection easier. 

 Here’s a checklist you might want to cross off before you move ahead:

●    Mixing and Mastering – The success of your video relies on how well you merge and blend the audio and video together. 
●    Video must be appealing to the viewer’s eye. Use color grading effects.
●    Creative thumbnails- A well customized thumbnail can pull more audience than you can even imagine. An attracting thumbnail can catch the viewer’s eye and eventually, result in more views. Mostly, controversial thumbnails may get the most views, however, remember not to break any community guidelines. 

To learn more about on how to create thumbnails, click here. Once you have crossed off this checklist, it’s time to move to the next step. 

2.    Choose your target audience 

Understanding your target audience is often harder than it seems. The power of choosing the right target audience can make a whole lot of difference. 

Look to understand what audience will appreciate your content more. Start by strategizing – know the likes and dislikes. Pick an audience that is more likely to enjoy your content and share it amongst their social circles. 

Choosing your target audience right in the beginning is useful for a number of reasons. Among the most important ones, you will need to promote your videos on social media and other platforms to your target audience. Only then can you ensure your video is interesting and relevant.

Since you are making a music video, the task won't be that difficult. First, you will obviously think of location. You will need to promote your music video to a local audience if your music video is in regional languages. 

Next, you need to think about your audience's age. That will be decided by the musical genre and generation you cater to.  Then you can also figure out your audience's income, education, and preferences. 

Narrowing down your target audience helps you make your videos reach the right people. They are the ones who will watch the whole video and even share it with friends.

Let's say your genre is jazz. So, take a look at the Facebook following of a local jazz club. Studying the followers will tell you what type of people like the music. That can give you an idea of your target audience. 

Promote your music video through social media networking sites

One of the most effective ways to promote or market any content is through social media. Use social media networking sites like Reddit, YouTube and Instagram - proven to be the most effective ways to promote content and music videos. 

3.    Why should you choose Instagram as a medium to promote?

Seen viral Instagram videos marked sponsored? Instagram approaches its users by showing them recommended sponsored content.

To do that, you need to switch your account to a business account. Then, you can choose the age group of target audience and the region. 

Instagram has over a billion users, so it's a platform worth considering. Here too, you can work with Instagram influencers to take advantage of their follower base. 

4.    What Reddit has in store for video promotion

Reddit has a past of making videos and content viral in no time and can be a great platform to promote your music video. Provide links on reddit and let people vote. 

If your video still doesn’t receive much exposure, deleting and reposting it at another active time would be better. The success of reaching a wider audience depends on what time you post your content. While the right answer will depend on your business, ideally, posts in the morning between 7-9 and evening between 6-8 pm receive more eyeballs. Here is a small chart that can help you.

Morning 6-8am  -  Most popular time to get views
Evening 5pm  -  Average number of views
Midnight  -  Moderate amount of views

How can YouTube ads help in music video promotion?

Unless you are on YouTube Premium, you have to watch ads for at least five seconds before every video. As a business, you need to be able to hook on to the reader’s attention during this time. It’s challenging, yes, but that’s where you need to get creative. 

Man pointing towards the skip ad button on YouTube

YouTube ads are often quite underpriced and yet a very effective way of promotion. Investing in YouTube ads to promote your music video, is probably the best marketing strategy you can begin with. 

The best part? You only have to pay YouTube if a viewer watches the whole 30 second ad or if they click on to your music video through the ad. Knowing the different YouTube advertising formats can help you make better videos. 

5.    Connect to other musicians

My personal favorite! Look to connect to other musicians who produce similar content and politely ask them for a shoutout. 

Contacting and pitching to other musicians with similar content, who already have a huge fan base, can directly get your views from their fans. And you don’t have to spend a dime to do that.

Just remember one thing. You will probably not get an answer if you approach top musicians in the industry. Look for someone in your exposure level and with adequate followers or subscribers. 

Apart from connecting to other musicians, you can also share your music video on other popular YouTube channels.  

6.    Remember to use the right type of key words.

In your video title and description, look to use the right keywords. It can help you to reach out to a bigger audience and eventually, creating a wider fan base. YouTube’s keyword tool lets you choose your own choice of demographic that you wish to target.

You can also use keywords in tags and meta descriptions. Using the right keywords people are searching for increases your chances of ranking on YouTube. That's a great way to ensure some good old organic views.

7.    Use Viboom to market your videos

You should get some success by carrying out the steps we mentioned. However, there is an easy way to make your videos go viral, and that's through Viboom. We have got the right platform to promote your video to thousands of viewers spread across the world. 

You can also buy local views from genuine users who are interested in watching your video. We promote your videos on our network of sites to real people following your niche.  No matter what niche your video is in, you will get increased engagement. In most instances, you will get more views than you pay for  - which translates to an even more effective campaign for you. The viewer retention rate is great too, some as long as a minute. You know what you are paying for, which means that you are on top of your budget here. 

Promote your videos on Viboom and grow your views to get viral.

Viboom can help your videos get more views quickly

Bonus Step

Look to connect to social media influencers. Request for them to promote your music video as well. Sometimes, something as simple as this, can get your view counts higher. Of course, you need to go for an influencer popular for your niche. 

For example, if you are selling protein shakes, you will look for some athlete or bodybuilder on YouTube.  

Using a step-wise approach will help you get your videos viral easily. With services like Viboom, you can add in that x-factor to your music video distribution efforts and get better results than you expect. Now you know how to promote your music video on YouTube!

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